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Supply chain innovation competition

Students will participate in an innovative, learner-centric environment based on active, action-oriented learning to develop a project including a specific objective/target, the design and developm


Sustainability in farming and food systems

In this case, we develop and conduct pilot courses on food and farming systems in India.


Sustainability in farming and food systems in India

Students and teachers from diverse disciplines come together and accrue skills from experience to co-create knowledge along with farmers and policy makers, extension workers to benefit the society


Sustainable agriculture practices

This case develops and conducts a pilot course for 1) 40 students at the SEKEM agriculture vocation training centre to be trained in sustainable agriculture practices.


Sustainable gastronomy

In this Master course, the Gastronomes achieve holistic and cross-disciplinary knowledge covering the most current trends in the worldwide discourses on Sustainable Gastronomy.


The EQVEGAN Project

EQVEGAN is a Sector Skills Alliance that will design and offer innovative trainings to professionals and students from EQF levels 4 to 7.


The FIELDS Project

ERASMUS+ project aimed at addressing the current and Future skill needs for sustainability, digitalization, and the bio-Economy in agriculture, food industry and forestry.<


The NEXTFOOD Approach

The ‘NEXTFOOD approach’ is a transformative and participatory learning model based on collaborative transdisciplinary and acti


The NEXTFOOD Toolbox

The aim of the NEXTFOOD


Towards a profitable and sustainable forestry chain

The forestry sector provides multifaceted values; these include the production of renewable raw- materials, sequestering carbon dioxide, as well as creating spaces for biodiversity, resilience and