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The assessment from multiple perspectives is called "Walt Disney Method". To emphasize various perspectives, Disney used three roles that were discussed simultaneously or consecutively. These three roles are essential factors to achieve success in this method:

  • Dreamers

A dreamer is not hindered by strait-jacketing but is creative and imaginative and sees limitless opportunities.

  • Realist

The realist looks at the practical possibilities to find out whether an idea is really feasible. 

  • Critic

The critic does not the criticize the plans of the dreamer or the insight of the realist, but looks at the plan like an observer who filters out and removes all crucial mistakes.

Transformative industry
Social dynamics
Inspiring practice (good practice example, case study, etc.)
Target group(s):
Business organisations (incl. associations, chambers of commerce, etc.)
Non-governmental and civil society organisations
Research institutions/think tanks

Disney, Creativity, Brainstorming