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Community of Practice
The ASKFOOD Observatory is an independent innovative, multisectoral, and multidisciplinary ecosystem of experts and professionals aimed to favour and promote a modern and high quality in education and training in the food and food-related sector.

This platform fosters the networking of individuals, entities and their representatives from different sectors (e.g. academia, industry, business, NGOs), and any party interested in education or training challenges and needs in the food system.

The ASKFOOD Observatory will monitor and analyse the latest news and innovation trends in relation to education and training in the food and food-related sectors from a Lifelong Learning perspective and:

  1. promote the advancement and innovation in food-related sectors by both fostering the modern higher education and training of graduates and professionals with the proper skills and by upskilling food professionals and workforce in a lifelong learning perspective;
  2. upgrade training schemes and methodologies to support innovation in food studies.

The Observatory is acting as a Community of Practice with the support of this virtual platform that gives users the ability to harness resources such as:

  • News and documents (e.g. journal articles, publications, project reports, policy documents)
  • Links to MOOC/ E-course/Webinar course materials
  • Virtual tools
  • Audio-visual materials
  • Materials and contents for educators and trainers and promote their upgrade and upskilling

The ASKFOOD Observatory Community of Practice is open to the contribution of all registered participants that could share their own experiences, views, discuss, collaborate (See “Toolkit section”).

  Interested to join? Fill in the registration form HERE.